كتب كردية مجانية كتب كردية مجانية

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Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia II

Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia II
Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia II

Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia II

Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia, &C, Including an Account of Parts of Those Countries Hitherto Unvisited by Europeans. with Sketches of the Character and Manners of the Koordish and Arab Tribes.

Excerpt from Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia, &C, Vol. 2 of 2: Including an Account of Parts of Those Countries Hitherto Unvisited by Europeans; With Sketches of the Character and Manner of the Koordish and Arab Tribes 
We did not, however, visit this splendid relic until the next morning, when, not without some trouble and manoeuvring, we procured a gooffah to cross the river. It was a dark morning, and the sun rose in clouds of orange and blood-red, right behind the Tank, which thus rose strongly defined against the increasing light. It was a sin gularly striking effect. Around it, amongst numerous irregular mounds, we found a whole camp Of Arab tents; but the Sheikh of the tribe, a most black guard, truculent-looking villain, whose huge red brown nose was guilty Of breaking the ninth commandment, if its owner did not indulge abun dautly in forbidden potations, came over to welcome us, and all was right. Another fellow Of the same description, however, came gallopping up with s1x or eight ragamufiins, to know who we were; and having heard, he addressed the Sheikh saying It is well for these men that they are with you, for had it not been so, by Allah I would have stripped them naked! And, Heaven knows, he looked his wishes to the life, if he did not try to put them into execution. One of the party, however, laughed at him and said Perhaps it is just as well for you that you did not try - look here, and see ifyou think we are men to be plundered for nothing and he showed him my double-barrelled detonator and a brace of double-barrelled pistols - a sight which had an evident effect upon his courage, and as Obviously increased his respect. He examined the gun par ticularly; and on returning it, said bitterly - Ah! The curse of God be on the gun that shoots with' out int or fire! He however followed us to the river side, and remained hovering about till we crossed. 

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موقع كتب كردية مجانية، تم إنشائه عام 2014 من قبل السيد هيجا طوبال حمو.
تم إنشاء موقع كتب كردية Pirtûkên Kurdî لنشر الثقافة الكردية بين أبناء الشعب الكُردي ولكي يتعرف علينا الشعوب الاخرى ولنشر أكبر عدد من الكتب الالكترونية مجاناً ولسهولة الوصول إليها، وطبعاً هذا الموقع هو الأول من نوعه على شبكة الانترنيت حيث يتخصص الموقع بجمع الكتب الكردية بكل لغات العالم.

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كتب كردية مجانية